Privacy Policy for the "1 Year Warranty" App

General Information about the App

App Name: 1 Year Warranty

Main Function: The app allows users to check the IMEI of their device in our database and provide a warranty if the device is registered.

Data Collection

Collected Data:

Methods and Timing of Data Collection:

Data Usage

Purpose of Data Collection:

Usage of Data for Other Purposes:

Data Sharing

Sharing Data with Third Parties:

Transferring Data Abroad:

Data Security

Security Measures: We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information.

Data Retention

Data Retention Period: User data is retained until they delete their profile.

Requesting Data Deletion: Users can delete their profile and data through the app's settings.

User Rights

User Rights Regarding Data: Users can modify and delete their data at any time.

Contact Information

Contacting Us Regarding Privacy Issues: Contact information for reaching us and our service centers is available in the app's navigation bar.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us using the contact information provided in the app.